Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October Update

Sorry it has taken me so long to put in another update, but we have been really busy in the music department as of lately.

  Thank you to everyone who bought, sold, or painted paw prints. We made about $900 profit on the paws so we did really well. They all look really great out and about throughout our towns. Go Cougars!

      Our next fundraiser is our annual Butter Braid sale, and the community is starting to look for them! We will begin our sale Nov. 14 and go through Nov. 25. We back upped the dates a little to accommodate  the musical so they will miss Thanksgiving but will be in for Christmas. Students should get $6 a braid. They are also introducing a chocolate braid, so there will be something new for all you chocolate lovers.

       We made our Oct. payment for the trip and are now looking forward to the one in November. This payment is $230 instead of $100 and is due Nov. 1. We will be contributing the fundraising to this payment as well, but it will not include the money earned from Butter Braids as we will not sell until after the payment is due. I am going to hand out information about how much each student owes in the next few days. If your fundraising covers the payment, I won't give them a paper. If you are curious, the payment amount is on My Big Campus in the Music Trip Group Resources. Your student will need to sign in to see it, or if you would like send me an email and I will pass along the information. There is not a payment in December.

I didn't get to ask any of the students what they are looking forward to before I sat down to write this, I will try and do that in the next few days, but I can ask Mr. Winkey. He jokingly said the sun and I agree, but he also said that he is excited to have the student perform in an environment that is so different from the environment we perform in here. He is excited to give them new opportunities. Besides the sun and Harry Potter World, I am excited to see your  kids perform for an international audience and to create memories that they will carry with them for all of their lives.

Thanks for catching up with us, and if you have nothing else to do Nov. 9-10 you should come check out the musical Back to the 80s. Saturday Nov. 9's show is at 7pm with a dinner theater at 6pm. and Sunday Nov. 10's show is at 2pm. Tickets to the show are $5 and to the dinner theater are $15 (it includes the ticket for the show). Show tickets are available at both banks in Ackley or can be purchased at the show, and dinner theater tickets are available from Carol in the HS office.