Tuesday, October 31, 2017

November Update

130 Days and Counting....

Time for our monthly update on everything to do with the trip!

* Butterbraids will be in Thursday Nov. 2 at 2:30 in the Band Room. Please make arrangements to pick up your braids and get them delivered. We did an incredible job and sold over 900 braids this year. Thank you to everyone who bought and supported the music program.

* The November payment is due by the end of the week. If you need to know how much you owe for the trip you can contact Mr. Idler or Miss Medick. You can also check out the New York Payment form on the Google Classroom for the trip. There is no payment due in December. We are getting there everybody!

* We received an updated version of our itinerary. The big news is that we now have our tickets to ALADDIN! More of our events have been confirmed as well.