Thursday, November 14, 2013

Butter Braids Are Here!

We are excited to announce that we are starting Butter Braids sales today! I know that the community has been asking about it so it is time for us to get started. We will be selling from Nov. 14- Nov. 25. I will send in our order to the company on Nov. 26. the day right before our Thanksgiving break. Students will receive $6 for every braid they sell and the money they earn will be added to their accounts for the January payment.

We will also be working concessions Dec. 3, Jan. 7, Jan. 23, and Feb. 7.

We have now made three payments on our trip and have two left. The next payment of $230 is due January 7 and the final payment will be due February 7. We will have the final total for the February payment after the January payment.

 Mr. Winkey asked the kids the other day what they were looking forward to with the trip so I thought I would share a couple of their answers. Thanks for stopping by.

I went to Florida in June, but I'm excited to go back for a week and go back to Disney, and the beach. Hopefully I can go on some rides I missed last time. I'm excited to spend it with my friends! When we went we went to Cocoa Beach, and I think that's where we're going? It's really nice :)

On the Florida trip, I'm looking forward to just be going to Florida in general! I've never been, unlike most of the people I talk to. I'm excited to spend a week with my band family. And I'm excited for the beach. And the tan I'm praying to get.
                                                                                                              - Kaitlyn